State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 79 Autumn 2007

Prome. North entrance of the Shwe San-dau Pagoda. Burmese Temples are usually, if the ground permits, on heights, the approach being by a flight of steps, guarded by Griffins: that shown above is very fine, the Griffins are eighty feet high, and with the carved gables of the roof, bristling with gilded vanes, form a magnificent approach to the Pagoda above. H98.41/2  [photograph]

Prome.North entrance of the Shwe San-dau Pagoda.
Burmese Temples are usually, if the ground permits, on heights, the approach being by a flight of steps, guarded by Griffins: that shown above is very fine, the Griffins are eighty feet high, and with the carved gables of the roof, bristling with gilded vanes, form a magnificent approach to the Pagoda above. H98.41/2