State Library Victoria > La Trobe Journal

No 13 March 1974


A List of Flinders Papers in the La Trobe Library


I Holograph Letters and Documents:
Letter addressed to his wife, Ann, at ‘Partney near Spilsby, Lincolnshire’, from Isle of France, July 7 and August 20, 1805. 3p. quarto. Same. Facsim. Provenance: Presented by W. M. Flinders Petrie and received from J. J. Shillinglaw. 1900.
Letter addressed to his stepmother (‘mother-in-law’), Elizabeth Flinders, at ‘Don-ington near Boston, LincoInshire’, from Wilhems Plains, Isle of France, April 13, 1806. 3p. quarto. Provenance: Presented by Miss D. M. Asling, 1934.
Letter addressed to Captain Farquharson Stuart, Foley Street, Foley Place, from Upper Fitzroy Street, London, September 11, 1813. Ip. quarto. Provenance: Purchased from A. H. Spencer, 1928.
‘Narrative of an expedition to Furneauxs Islands on the coast of New South Wales, in the Port-Jackson Colonial schooner, Francis. By Mattw. Flinders 2[nd] lieutenant of H.M.S. Reliance, March 1798.’
23p. numbered 1–22, quarto, with which is bound Admiralty Chart No. 1695, Bass Strait, in two sheets, London, 1868.
Provenance: Presented by Mrs. Petrie, daughter of Captain Flinders, 1877.
‘Appendix to the Abridged Narrative’.
37p. foolscap.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.
‘Public Letters and Orders’ August 31, 1807 to May 31, 1814.
119p. foolscap.
Provenance: Presented by W. M. Flinders Petrie and received from J. J. Shillinglaw, 1900.
‘Copy of letters sent to France and to England by Le Charles (late La Semillante) November 1808.
44p. foolscap.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E.
Alexander, 1945.
II Copies of Documents:
‘Investigator 1803’. Volume 3 of Flinders' logbook, containing copies of the documents regarding the Investigator's company sent to England in June and July 1803; Investigator's log in Sydney Cove, June 11 to July 23, 1803; ‘General Remarks at Port Jackson’; logbooks for Porpoise from Sydney to Wreck Reef Bank, August 11 to 26, 1803; for the cutter Hope from Wreck Bank Reef to Sydney, August 27 to September 9, 1803; a record of transactions in Sydney, September 10 to 20, 1803; and for the Cumberland from Sydney to Mauritius, September 21 to December 16, 1803. The original is in the Public Record Office, London (Adm 55/78).
105 p. photocopy of ms.
Provenance: Presented by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Library (now the National Library of Australia) Canberra, 1930.
Same. Another copy photographed at the Commonwealth National Library (now the National Library of Australia) Canberra, 1950.
‘Narrative of an expedition to Furneauxs Islands …’ (See 4 above).
24p. typescript, foolscap.
Provenance: Presented by Geoffrey Rawson, c.1947.
‘Flinders Papers', being transcripts (largely extracts) from journals and letters by Flinders, with some notes and commentary by W. M. Flinders Petrie, copied by him for J. J. Shillinglaw, 1876, (see also Shillinglaw Papers, 17 below).
145 p. ms. foolscap, bound.
Provenance: Presented by W. M. Flinders Petrie and received from J. J. Shillinglaw,
Copy of passport given to Captain Flinders for the Investigator; Extracts from letters by Capt. Flinders—‘important as giving some private ideas’—; and Extracts from ‘Narrative of Tom Thumb's cruize [sic] to Canoe Rivulet’ 1795. made by W. M. Flinders Petrie for J. J. Shillinglaw [1874?].
10p. ms. foolscap.
Signed by W. M. Flinders Petrie.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander. 1945.
Lettre écrite à la societé d'Emulation de l'ile de France par M. Mathieu Flinders Commander dans la Marine de S:M: Britannique, January 17, 1807.
15p. ms. copy of original ms. foolscap.
The copy, written in French, is dated February 27, 1877, and bears a declaration verifying its accuracy signed by its then owner Dr. J. H. D. King. (An English translation of the document is located in the Shillinglaw Papers 241/4).
Instructions issued by Governor King to Captain Matthew Flinders, Commander of His Majesty's Sloop Investigator to take command of the Lady Nelson, July 13, 1802.
15p. ms. copy, foolscap.
In Grant's Voyage on the Lady Nelson, 1800. Bonwick Transcripts, prepared in London by James Bonwick, 1886. Note: Original signature of Philip Gidley King, Governor, is affixed to the copy.
Provenance: Presented by James Bonwick, 1886.
‘Flinders Letters 1801–12′ (Bonwick Transcripts) being copies of 26 letters from Matthew Flinders to the Admiralty relating to the preparations for Investigator's voyage, its progress, his imprisonment in Mauritius, return to London, promotion and pay, with notes on the contents of other letters not copied in full, from the originals in the Admiralty Papers (now hi the Public Record Office, London), also copies of letters by Governor King and Alexander Dalrymple. and of a letter from Flinders to M. Barbe de Marbois, November 1, 1808, copied by James Bonwick from the original in the British Museum. Dated London, 1886.
various pagings. ms. foolscap.
Provenance: Presented by James Bonwick, 1886
‘Decaen Papers’ being extracts from the papers of General Charles Mathieu Isadore Decaen made from the originals in the Bibliothèque Municipale, Caen, for Professor Ernest Scott. The documents copied relate to Flinders’ imprisonment in Mauritius, his release and the return of the volume of his logbook retained by Decaen. A list is available of the 59 items in French and English, principally from Volumes 10, 84, 92 and 105 of the Decaen Papers.
242p. foolscap.
Provenance: Presented by Professor Ernest Scott, 1915.
III Papers Relating to Flinders:
Shillinglaw Papers; John Joseph Shillinglaw of Melbourne collected material for a book on Flinders and had a voluminous correspondence with W. M. Flinders Petrie, Mrs. Petrie and other members of the Flinders family, with the families of Flinders’ colleagues on the Investigator, and with the Pitot and de Chazal families in Mauritius, mainly during the 1870's. His papers, which at present are unindexed and only roughly arranged, contain his correspondence, notes and copies of documents relating to Flinders and the Investigator's voyage. Flinders Petrie's letters include some comment on the ‘Flinders Papers’ (11 above) and Mrs. Petrie's letters include some family
reminiscences. The bulk of the material relating to Flinders appears to be in Boxes 241 and 242. Shillinglaw's letters to Flinders Petrie 1875–1880 are in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (FLI/101).
Provenance: Presented by Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.
‘A brief memoir of Captain Matthew Flinders R.N.’ An undated and unsigned memoir whose text is largely that of the biographical note published as a ‘Biographical Memoir of Captain Flinders, R.N.’ in the Naval Chronicle, Vol. 32 (1814), pp 176–191, with some additional paragraphs. It is printed in the Victorian Geographical Journal, Vol. 28 (1910–11), pp 11–30, under the title ‘Historical Sketch of the Life of the late Captain Flinders’, with a foreword written by George Gordon McCrae.
30p. ms. foolscap.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.
‘Memoir of the Official Services of Captain Matthew Flinders’, by Vice-Admiral W. H. Smythe. n.d. [c.1845?]
3p. ms. quarto.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander. 1945.
‘Replies to Queries — Second Series’ by Ann Petrie, concerning the Flinders family, her father's illness, death and burial, the sale of his book, and her mother's financial position after his death.
6p. holograph signed ms. foolscap.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.
Letter from the Colonial Secretary, Mauritius, to Mrs. Viola Allen, August 6, 1941, regarding the proposed publication by the Société de 1'Histoire de 1'Isle Maurice of documents relating to Flinders' time in Mauritius and the Société's intention to erect a monument to him, the demolition of buildings in which he lived in Mauritius, and enclosing a copy of a letter by Flinders in the Mauritius Institute and Public Museum, and tracings of plans of the Jardin Despeaux in Port Louis (from Plans Book 1 bis No. 62 of Port Louis) and of Terrain Labouve at Henrietta, Plaines Wilhems (from Vol. 77 folio 313 of Memoranda of Survey, Mauritius).
3p. typescript, foolscap.
Provenance: Obtained by Mrs. W. E. Bassett (now Lady Bassett) from Mrs. P. de V. Allen, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, and presented to the Public Library of Victoria.
‘Extrait d'une Notice Biographique sur Robert Edouard Pitot, par Charles Baissae. Publiée dans le “Cerneen” journal de 1'isle Maurice les 8, 9 & 10 Mai 1860 … ‘
mentioning Flinders and his association with the Pitot family. In French. (An English translation is included in the Shillinglaw papers, 241/4).
8p. ms. quarto.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw presented by Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.

B. ANN FLINDERS (1770–1852)

Memorial of [Ann] Flinders to His Majesty King William IV, outlining her husband's naval career, detention in Mauritius, illness and death; the Admiralty's refusal to provide an augmented pension for herself as he did not die on active service, and praying for some remuneration for herself and her daughter. Signed by Ann Flinders, n.d. [1837?].
Ip. ms. 49 × 68 cm.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw received from Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.
Copy of a letter from Sir H. Taylor, Windsor Castle to J. A. Bicknell April 13, 1837, regarding the memorial of Ann Flinders and stating that he has been unable to obtain an addition to her pension, that the matter was referred to Lord Melbourne and that he had received a reply that her claim could not be entertained.
1p. ms. quarto.
Provenance: Included in the papers of J. J. Shillinglaw received from Mrs. E. Alexander, 1945.

C. WILLIAM PETRIE (1821–1908)

Letter from William Petrie (son-in-law of Matthew Flinders) to James Bain, Bookseller of Haymarket, London, August 13, 1880. This letter is a reply to one from Bain stating that the Melbourne Public Library is interested in buying a set of copies of the Sydney Gazette then in the possession of Petrie's son, W. M. Flinders Petrie, and expressing his son's wish to present the copies to the Library.
1p. ms. quarto. Bound with copies of the Sydney Gazette. There is little doubt that these copies of the Sydney Gazette were those which originally belonged to Matthew Flinders.
Provenance: Received with copies of the Sydney Gazette from James Bain, 1881.